Package Preparation Time Adjustment Notice.
Check here: /Package-Preparation-Time-Adjustment-Notice-a268302.html
Affected by Covid-19, there will be some delay on the delivery.
Q: Do you ship your products worldwide?
A: Yes. We ship our products worldwide.
Q: Do you ship your products for free?
A: Yes. Free Shipping Worldwide.
Q: Do you charge any custom taxes?
A: No. We do NOT charge any custom taxes. Please note that different coutry customs may charge you custom taxes. This is not in our control and we do NOT pay any custom taxes for our customers. In addition, customs duties may be collected directly by the customs or by express delivery companies. This point cannot be controlled by us, and we do not assume corresponding responsibilities. Hope customers can actively communicate with customs or express companies. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Q: Which express will you use?
Q: How long will you send our orders recently?
A: We will ship out your order within 2-5 business days if the product you ordered is in stock. If the product is out of stock, we will send it to you in 15-30 days. If you ordered several products and some of them are out of stock, we may wait several days and send them in one package, which may help customers reduce unnecessary customs duties. If you need them urgently, please contact us to ship products in stock first.
Q: How long it will take for delivery?
A: Generally it takes 3-20 business days to the entire world. No more than 30 days.
Q: Will my order delayed?
A: It may be delayed for 3-40 days. If your package is delayed, please don't worry, you can contact our support team and they will help you.
Q: Can I get a faster shipping?
A: Yes. Please contact us in advance. Because we need check shipping lines for you in advance.
Q: Why do I buy multiple products but only receive one?
A: This may be because we send your products separately due to the stock reason or express limited reason. Please don't worry, we will send all the ordered products to our customers. If you don't receive our product, you can contact us by email and we will check the delivery record for you. If we do not send the product due to our mistake, we will arrange the delivery as soon as possible.
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